<aside> 💡 CLH wiki — everything you need to know about Central London Humanists!

Whether you wish to join as a member, or simply take part in CLH activities now and then — find all the useful info and guides you need to get involved, right here.

To help guide the development of our members as humanists, or as humanist allies, we have prepared toolkits that collect the wisdom and experience of our community and bring them to bear on the issues that matter to us. You can find those toolkits here as well, below.


Team and vision

Constitution and values

Organising Committee

Policies and guides

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Code of conduct

Data privacy policy

Safeguarding policy

CLH activities

CLH Movie Club

CLH toolkits

Philosophy toolkit

Leaving religion toolkit

Dialogue toolkit

CLH allies and partners

London region

South West London Humanists

East London Humanists


Humanists UK

Humanist Society Scotland

Association of Black Humanists

Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

Society for Humanistic Judaism


Humanists International
